How to Repair a Leaky Faucet

Many homeowners complain about leaky faucets. This is a common problem that often has an easy fix. Usually a faucet leaks because the components wear out. If you want to replace your worn out washers, seals and O-Rings, here is how. With a compression faucet, follow these steps: Remove decorative cap and remove the handle…

The Important of Professional Appliance Repair

Many people search for electrical safety tips when they are looking for ways to fix a broken appliance themselves. While it’s commendable to look for ways to be frugal, a better tip is to have a professional repair your washer, refrigerator or other major appliance. Hiring someone to take on this particular project is a…

Straighten and Clean Your Cooling Fins

Air must move through the condensing unit in your air conditioner to effectively cool your home. If the fins get bent or damaged, air flow may be restricted. Needed Tools Aluminum fins could get bent or damaged by debris or high pressures washing. Purchase a fin comb, or coil fin tool, to straighten bent fins.…

Under-Sink Storage for Fixture Parts and Manuals

If you recently updated a sink or bath fixture, you probably wondered what to do with the manual and spare parts included with your purchase. While these items often wind up in junk drawers, you may need them later. Instead of devoting space in your workbench or other storage containers for these items that you…

Tub Caulking Made Easy

Recaulking a tub is an easy home maintenance task anyone can do. New caulk not only looks better than grimy old caulk but also provides a better water barrier around the tub. Caulk keeps moisture and soap from entering the space surrounding the tub. To replace, remove the old caulk with a utility knife and…